Increasing leadership and teamwork skills shows 10% increase in productivity

Since August this year we’ve been providing leadership and teamwork training to eight supervisors and team leaders within a high quality manufacturer. The course has been specifically designed to meet the needs of the business. As a precursor to the training programme each of the senior management team received an overview and familiarisation of the training to be delivered.
The training programme was completed in December 2015. The final session was an evaluation event, where each participant delivered a short presentation to their senior managers, covering:
- What they had learnt.
- How they had applied their learning.
- The impact of the training on themselves, their team and on their productivity.
The results were truly amazing. The content of the training programme had clearly increased levels of knowledge and confidence. However, it was the process of learning that was so successful. For example the supervisors and team leaders reported:
- Improved communication between themselves and other work colleagues.
- Reduced conflict and when disagreement did arise it was dealt with professionally and constructively.
- Greater understanding of each others’ roles and responsibilities and how these knitted together to deliver the company’s objectives and key performance indicators.
- Increased morale and understanding of each other as people as well as work colleagues.
All very good in terms of measuring the ‘softer’ outputs. So what about those all important ‘hard’ measures that impact the bottom line?
When re-examining company data, the training coincided with an increase of 10% in productivity. Wastage was down and quality was up. Each of the participants agreed that this correlation can be directly attributed to the impact of the leadership and teamwork training. They each agreed that their environment is a better place to work.
So what happens next?
The training programme is considered to be a huge success. The following is being planned for 2016:
- A leadership development course will be delivered to the senior management team.
- The supervisors and team leaders are now organising their own communication meetings to maintain momentum created by their own training.
- It is likely that further training will be delivered to the supervisors and team leaders to support their appraisal process.
This case study is another example of how our leadership, employee engagement and customer service training is transforming business performance. Please contact us for more information.
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